Sunday, December 2, 2007

Oh Deer.........

Yes...fall in the Ozarks. Perhaps one of the scariest times of the year, deer season arrives.

And not just for a week as I first thought. No...there is a week for every weapon known to mankind. That gives everyone a chance to mame and perpetuate suffering to so many more creatures. You know if you can't shoot them with one kind of gun there will be a week for a different type---and if you are a totally lousy shot, there is always a bow and arrow.

Hey--don't get me wrong--I understand keeping the herds under control so we won't be overrun and trampled by millions of wild deer. The thing that bothers me is the total disregard by some so called "hunters" of the art of hunting. Just to go out and shoot something because it is moving---doesn't seem like such a great the video game if you just want to shoot things for the heck of it. If you want to use the meat and feed your family that is different.

The other thing about the season that grates me the wrong way is where you can hunt.................not on my property.

Does posting a sign that states no hunting not clear enough--or are some hunters just so backwoods hillbilly they just can't read. Perhaps the sign needs to be just of a picture of a gun or bow and and "no" symbol around it--maybe that would be clearer. I think purple paint is sometimes used.....doesn't work if you are colored blind. So that is my rant about hunting.

The picture above is of a deer head in a tree.................interesting.

Now...a bird feeder is one thing---but hanging a deer head in your tree....that is just too much.

Hide the children.....and the's deer season....and there are some really lousy shooters out there.

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