Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Politics as usual-not

Yesterday I voted. I got up early, ran to the post office and then made my way to the community center to vote. I made sure I had a cup of coffee and was concerned about finding a place to park and I was ready for a long line just to do my patriotic duty.
Then it happened.

I pulled up and didn't have a problem parking but there were quite a few cars there. I fully expected it to be jammed inside --my heart raced with anticipation about voting for our next President.

Then came the big let down. There were 4 people inside and think that incuded a couple of volunteers. I did hear someone say Krispy Creams---but I didn't dare ask.

The whole event took 5 minutes. Oh we have a new president.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Big Fish Story

My brother in law, sister in law, and mother in law were at our place for a visit mid October.

While my brother in law was here he did a little fishing............and the fish were biting big time.

Below are a few pictures of the BIG catfish he caught.

Here fishy fishy.

Monday, August 25, 2008

You have What?

I was driving down a street in Marshfield Missouri, which is the town that is the closest thing to civilization.

I looked up and noticed a sign that I just couldn't resist taking a picture of.

It took everything I had not to go into the store and ask them if they really meant to put that sign up the way they did.

Perhaps they were out of the letters H A V and E.

Do they they really GOT worms or maybe they HAVE them and just don't know it.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Just another rainy day in Paradise

Today is rained-alot!!! We had to have a new well drilled-so we ventured out this morning even though it was raining to get some bottled water to drink until the well was finished.
We knew we weren't going to be long so we locked our outside dog in the garage, because she is terrified of storms.
We blissfully headed to town. Today was the big antique car show and 4th of July celebration in the town, even thought it is June 28th. I guess it was scheduled it early so you don't miss anything.
The town square was rather barren and rain soaked. There was a band playing under the canopy of one of the stores on the square and there were rain soaked vendor tents in the center of the square.
We went over to the grocery and purchased our water and other groceries and headed back home. When we got to our creek we noticed it really seemed to be running hard and fast and didn't want to take any chances getting our hybrid flooded out. My husband took off his shoes and walked across the creek-very carefully and got the tractor and came back across.
Meanwhile I took the car up to our neighbor's house which is around 3/4 a mile from our house.
He followed behind me with the tractor---I somehow knew what was going to happen next. I would have to get in the tractor with him and go across the creek.
We headed back home with our groceries in the front bucket of the tractor getting soaked.
When we got to the creek it was now too high for the tractor-so we turned around again and headed to our neighbors house where our car was.
We got in the car and headed back to town and stayed there for a few hours until the rain slowed.
What a day--we were absolutely soaked.
Here are a few very wet pics of me with the tractor----whew what a day.
It is now 800p and the well is still not ready---no water again tonight. Oh well just another lovely night in paradise.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Biggest Winners

Today I was lucky enough to meet Jerry Lisenby and his lovely wife, Lynne at Super Walmart in Marshfield Missouri.
Let's face it-in the Ozarks everything important happens at Walmart-ha ha

Jerry was a contestant in 2007 for Biggest Loser.

He was the oldest contestant ever at the young age of 62.
He also lost the most weight in a single week in the show's history-31 pounds

He and Lynne, his beautiful wife of 40 years are partaking in a 5,100 mile-cross-country bicycle ride to raise funds for The Children's Home in Peoria Illinois.

If you would like to follow the couple on their trip across the country -you can check out Jerry's blog at

I thought one of the funniest answers I got from Lynne when I asked her if the trip was going slower than expected because of the weather.

She answered,"No, it's going slower than expected because we are old."

What a wonderful couple and a wonderful cause!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ozark Yard Art

I have now lived here 3 years and it has come to my attention that folks in the Ozarks have the most amazing yard art. I have started snapping pictures of them. Here are just a few.
The first one was taken at Christmas time with my cell phone.
The picture is of blow up Simpson Christmas decorations in a trailer in front of a trailer.
The second is of a piece of equipment that looks like it has been sitting in a yard for about 100 years and now they just mow around it.
The third is of a beautiful bronze statue that was probably knocked over after one of the many tornadoes this year--and honestly I wouldn't want to have to be the person that tries to stand that thing back up.
The last is of this most amazing rusted sculpted donkey and cart--this thing was actually so cool.
I can't wait to find some more............believe me there is a never ending supply.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Snap Crackle Puke

Here are some pics of a snapping turtle we saw today and a pic our our dog Roxie.
Just one thing to make note of. Roxie thought it would be cool to take just a lick of where the turtle urinated. Not a good idea. Roxie started foaming at the mouth and puking all over the place.
You can see how funny the turtle thought that was-it rolled over on it's back in laughter. Guess Roxie won't do that again, and I also guess that is why the snapping turtle has survived so long.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Cows for Sabrina

These are very special pictures for a very special little girl-Sabrina.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rain Rain go away

This has been one heck of a winter, spring season and the topper was the rain we had the last couple of days. I was sure it was time to build an are a couple of pics.