Saturday, March 31, 2007

What's your sign?

I just gotta tell you- -Denise is always getting out her camera and taking pictures of whatever will hold still long enough for her to shoot it---Me---I would rather have something to show for it if I was gonna shoot it--like supper--not just a piece of paper--but she pays the rent--so I can't complain. Cousin Skeeter here to tell you about Denise's latest pictures. The first is of the local farmers market---Yes the farmers market--which consists of a black truck that sells honey---fryers rabbits---mmmm mmmm. Still alive--so there is still some sport in it, especially if you are a 30" wooden dummy. Then there is the rabbit manure---hmmmm---I was wondering what exactly do you use rabbit manure for anyway? Oh well waste not, want not--I always say. The other picture is of the main drag in town and a yellow ribbon around an old oak tree....well, not really an old oak tree, but yes Tony Orlando was in our town to perform.....thatis pretty near the neatest thing that's happened around these parts for a long time. McDonalds was just standing room only after the big concert. You go Tony........................

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