Saturday, June 28, 2008

Just another rainy day in Paradise

Today is rained-alot!!! We had to have a new well drilled-so we ventured out this morning even though it was raining to get some bottled water to drink until the well was finished.
We knew we weren't going to be long so we locked our outside dog in the garage, because she is terrified of storms.
We blissfully headed to town. Today was the big antique car show and 4th of July celebration in the town, even thought it is June 28th. I guess it was scheduled it early so you don't miss anything.
The town square was rather barren and rain soaked. There was a band playing under the canopy of one of the stores on the square and there were rain soaked vendor tents in the center of the square.
We went over to the grocery and purchased our water and other groceries and headed back home. When we got to our creek we noticed it really seemed to be running hard and fast and didn't want to take any chances getting our hybrid flooded out. My husband took off his shoes and walked across the creek-very carefully and got the tractor and came back across.
Meanwhile I took the car up to our neighbor's house which is around 3/4 a mile from our house.
He followed behind me with the tractor---I somehow knew what was going to happen next. I would have to get in the tractor with him and go across the creek.
We headed back home with our groceries in the front bucket of the tractor getting soaked.
When we got to the creek it was now too high for the tractor-so we turned around again and headed to our neighbors house where our car was.
We got in the car and headed back to town and stayed there for a few hours until the rain slowed.
What a day--we were absolutely soaked.
Here are a few very wet pics of me with the tractor----whew what a day.
It is now 800p and the well is still not ready---no water again tonight. Oh well just another lovely night in paradise.

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