Sunday, April 29, 2007

What's Good for the Goose...

Cousin Skeeter here---Well, Denise set up a camera to see what she could see..and looks like the camera saw a goose. There are a pair of Canadian Geese on the pond here....and I think they are going to have little gooses---yum yum---Denise doesn't think it is such a good idea for me to think about eating them. What does she think I am a dummy?--ohhhh.....I guess I am huh....

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Fox in the Turkey house?

Well, Denise went down to the barn(which doesn't hold any animals by the way) and took some pictures of a fox and her babes. So cute---so she thought. The next day we all hauled down there again---and to our surprise( or maybe not)-we found a big claw with a metal tag on it---

No turkey---just the fresh claw---oh gag.

I thought Denise was gonna blow lunch---not me--I have a stomach of basswood--ha ha.

Just another fun day here in the Ozarks....................

Saturday, April 21, 2007

You might live like a redneck........................

You might live like a redneck....but not necessarily be one if.......................

your family Christmas card picture looks like the top picture here.

your cat sleeps in the sink like mine does .....Why should you use it to wash up?...there is a perfectly good pond right outside to wash up in.

you have nothing better to do than to take picutres of bugs doing the deed.

you live in the Ozarks and one of your best friends is a hillbilly and he is not even human.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Spring is in the air?

I thought I moved to the Ozarks for the wonderful weather.NOT!

It is Apr 13th and it's cold and rainy and snowing. Take a peek at the pic Denise took off the back porch. She has threatened to leave me outside in the snow unless I straighten up. That would not be a pretty site.I am warped enough as it is--mentally--I don't need to be warped physically too.