Saturday, March 31, 2007

What's your sign?

I just gotta tell you- -Denise is always getting out her camera and taking pictures of whatever will hold still long enough for her to shoot it---Me---I would rather have something to show for it if I was gonna shoot it--like supper--not just a piece of paper--but she pays the rent--so I can't complain. Cousin Skeeter here to tell you about Denise's latest pictures. The first is of the local farmers market---Yes the farmers market--which consists of a black truck that sells honey---fryers rabbits---mmmm mmmm. Still alive--so there is still some sport in it, especially if you are a 30" wooden dummy. Then there is the rabbit manure---hmmmm---I was wondering what exactly do you use rabbit manure for anyway? Oh well waste not, want not--I always say. The other picture is of the main drag in town and a yellow ribbon around an old oak tree....well, not really an old oak tree, but yes Tony Orlando was in our town to perform.....thatis pretty near the neatest thing that's happened around these parts for a long time. McDonalds was just standing room only after the big concert. You go Tony........................

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Walnut Pickin' Time

Cousin Skeeter here telling you about a time in the fall when the Ozarks is just a buzz of excitement--that would be Walnut Pickin' Time. This is the time of year that you see how many black walnuts you can pickup off the ground before the squirrels are able to carry them off for their winter survival.

Lot's of hours are spent gatherin' these nuts into bags, buckets, boxes, hats pockets or even the bed of your truck. This is one activity the whole community can share in-men, women, young and old-even the Amish collect the nuts-They collect these black walnuts and load huge flatbed buggies drawn by big horses and then off to the walnut processing center everyone goes.

Well--I thought it would be a good idea for Denise to hop on this big money making hobby.

After all there are lots of black walnut trees in her yard--How hard could it be?

You put a little nut in a bag and turn it in for big bucks--NOT!!!!!

After a couple of hours of walnut pickin'-we decided it wasn't as much fun as it looked.

Denise did find a handy little tool that helped a lot. This thing as you can see in the picture looks like a bingo cage with a handle on it. You just roll it across the ground and it picks up the nuts that are about the size of a golfball.I think picking up golfballs would be a much better idea -especially if the golf course was in Hawaii not Missouri.

The day finally came---It was time to run in the black walnuts for the big time cash reward.

We were the 10th car in line to take the walnuts to the big walnut hulling machine. The time was 900a on Oct 20th 2006. At 10:30 we were still waiting-but at least we were only 3 cars back now.

You know how it is when you get in line at the grocery store and the register tape runs out just as it is your time to check out--well, it was our turn and they said it was time to change out the walnut hulling truck.

The man in front of us decided to hop out of his truck and came on back and wanted to jaw a bit with us. He was 48 yrs. old-no teeth-started smoking when he was 40-did a stint in a mental hospital and his Sunday school teacher died a few days before--we found all this out in just about 30 very long minutes.

After 4 hours in line it was finally our turn--Denise figured we made 4.35 an hour for 4 hours.-yes that is what you get 13.00 for 100 pounds. We had 100 pounds. Yippee.

Imagine how happy Denise's daughter Holly was when we made it back home and Denise gave Holly her half--6.50 for helping pick up those smelly black walnuts.

I got zippo-nada---Denise I didn't help---I said --HELLO--I am a dummy...what's you excuse!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Cousin Skeeter

Hey--I thought it would be great if Denise posted a link to my first performance after I came to live in the Missouri last year--this gives you a lookie see into why my life is sooooo interesting living with this city girl in the Ozarks.

Friday, March 9, 2007

The Simpsons

Cousin Skeeter here. I really gotta tell you this woman has some real issues.When I first came to live here I was pretty near excited. She has a catfish pond with real catfish in it no less and since I'm made of Basswood I was thinking I would just float around the pond and catch me some lunch----but NOOOOO she named the darn things---The Simpsons-I think the one in the picture is Bart-he looks more like a meal to me. She doesn't want anyone to catch and cook them..No problem here--I'm carved out of wood after all-what's the worst that could happen-wood rot or I might swell up a little?-Sushi style is good for me. Here kitty kitty-here kitty kitty.